Happy New Years!
For a while, I’ve been wanting to develop a new website for blogging/dev purposes. It’s nice to have a portfolio that others can look through and see the projects you’ve been working on.
With that said, I’m glad to announce my website! I hope you’ll find it lovely, I quite like it. I figured the best way to start off the new year is by completing a goal I have accomplished.
LMOS Progress
As of right now, LMOS is very bare-bones. Mostly all that is done right now is the project directory structure and the beginnings of a make build system. However, I believe once those two things are sorted out, and I start making my own C Library, it’ll be fairly easy to get a bootable kernel image and load a GDT.
That’s as far as I’m going to attempt to even get to right now, but it’s definitely a start.
As you may (or may not) know, I am a huge weather nerd. That’s awesome because I live right in the best place for some of the most awesome natural phenomenon there is: Tornadoes.
Unfortunately, it is obviously the winter months, so as of right now it’s time to increase my knowledge and prepare for the next season. Last season was very intense, with the huge Tornado outbreak of April 26th in my area. This was just the beginnings of my storm chasing/spotting adventures, but it gave me a taste of what it was like just to see these things.
I believe adequate planning will be required if I’m going to chase next season. I probably have a partner coming with me, so that they can drive while I spot. Never never never text and drive people! I’ll have a good vehicle to chase with, along with good laptops and (hopefully) some nice programs to view data en masse. Stay tuned for those projects!
This year has been one of the craziest years in terms of self-discovery. A few months ago, I finally confronted myself about the gender dysphoria and self-questioning I have had for a few years now. Doing this allows me to express myself and accept myself for who I am instead of burying those emotions as I did before. Yay me! Anyway, hoping for HRT sometime next year. Will share any progress here once I have it. Here’s to hoping!
As of right now, That’s all I have to offer. Stay tuned for another great year of projects and advancements!
— Love you all, Emma