Hi! I’m Emma. I’m a transgender female and my pronouns are she/they
I have two cats and three dogs. I’m a HAM Radio Operator and I love to work on computers, cars, and anything else that I may be curious about. I live in the midwest but that’s not too important.
I write blog posts for anything I find interesting or happen to do dev work in. I might start creating youtube videos at some point about Linux and other things I find interesting. Any projects I work on will probably be showcased here.
Kernel Development
In my spare time I have mostly been learning about OSDev and the associated fields. Mostly for an OS called LMOS. As I add more things I will add more details here.
Programming Languages I am fluent in
- C
- NASM x86 Assembly
- Python
- Bash
Languages I kind-of know
- Rust
- C++
- Javascript
Thanks for reading! You can contact me on any of the socials on this page.